Attitude Assessment

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How accurate is each of the following statements about your child?

1 - Not accurate | 2 - Slightly accurate | 3 - Moderately accurate | 4 - Very accurate | 5 - Extremely accurate


1. Keeps going when there is adversity—for example, goes back out for a sport after not getting picked for a team the first time around.

2. Talks about how difficulties are part of learning—for example, “Sometimes you don’t get it right the first time.”.

3. Describes himself as“someone who sticks with it,”“not a quitter,” or “a tough kid.”

4. Talks about how not everyone is perfect and can discuss mistakes made by someone who is a hero to him—for example, “LeBron’s team lost to Dallas in the final in 2011, but he worked hard and won the next year.”

5. Talks about past mistakes with ease—for example, “Boy, I was terrible at drawing when I started, but now I am better.”