
We are absolutely touched by the community response to our new site. We are delighted to be receiving lots of inquiries and feedback, but want to remind you that we are a small team, so it will take us some time to get back to you. In the meantime, please explore the site and take advantage of what it has to offer:

and lots more!

If you are looking for immediate help, please contact NCLD.org. Or, if you are looking for information about our founder Ben Foss's new book, visit: www.benfoss.com.

"A big part of being successful when you’re dyslexic is being able to engage people who don’t know much about dyslexia in a conversation. I like starting with some stats: “Dyslexics are 10 percent of people, 35 percent of entrepreneurs and 41 percent of prisoners.”

Read the rest of Headstrong Nation founder, Ben Foss's post for NCLD: Dyslexia Insight #2: The Best Way to Start a Conversation about Dyslexia

"If you’re terrible at a thing you’re asked to do every day, you begin to assume that you must be the problem, and you try to hide it. That is shame. The key to success as a dyslexic person is to understand your strengths and weaknesses."

Headstrong Nation founder Ben Foss discusses celebrating strenghts and finding joy as a dyslexic person in his recent post for the NCLD: Make Dyslexia About Strengths—Not Shame.

Parents Education Network (PEN) is a coalition of parents collaborating with educators, students and the community to empower and bring academic and life success to students with learning and attention differences. Listen to PEN Founder Dewey Rosetti and Executive Director Laura Maloney discuss the work of PEN.

Imagine that you are standing inside a soundproof studio facing a three hundred and forty page book. Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to read this book aloud—clearly and confidently—with no mistakes, while you are watched and recorded.

This was Headstrong Nation founder Ben Foss's task as he set out to make an audio recording for his book. As you can imagine, he encountered a few challenges. Here's a quick peek inside the process of making an audio book, dyslexic-style.

Decoding Dyslexia (DD) is passionate, grassroots movement of parents who want to change the dyslexia game. The organization is a collection of state chapters and they offer amazing resources for approaching your state's government, connecting with other parents and working with your school. At our last count there were 33 state chapters 50 state chapters and four Canadian provinces registered. Learn more about Decoding Dyslexia here or do a quick Google search to see if your state has a chapter.

The Decoding Dyslexia Movement was started in New Jersey and you can read about the early beginnings of the the NJ chapter and the later Decoding Dyslexia National organization here. You may also learn about using the Decoding Dyslexia name to start your own state chapter here.

During a July, 2013 webinar hosted by Learning Ally, parents across the nation and experienced moms Deborah Lynam, Liz Barnes and Kathy Stratton - all parents and co-founders of the fast-growing Decoding Dyslexia movement - discussed how to become better advocates for their dyslexic children. The panel also highlighted the power of networking and communication - sharing an inside look at how Decoding Dyslexia has become a national force for parental advocacy and systemic change. The event is about an hour long.

You Are Not Alone from Learning Ally on Vimeo.

Our brains become more active when we listen to stories. Turn on text to speech and get the whole scoop here. (Of course, we've known this forever but it's nice when science catches up.)


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